Body Aesthetics

Form and Function

  • Abdominoplasty

    An abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is a restorative procedure that allows removal of excess fat and skin of the lower belly and repair of the rectus abdominal (‘six pack’) muscles, tissues which may have weakened after pregnancy or weight loss.

    Dr Chauhan uses a combination of liposuction and surgery, techniques he learned from specialists in France and Brazil. This procedure is known as a lipoabdominoplasty. No drains are used and many patients do not stay overnight in hospital.

  • Body Contouring

    Body Contouring is a term which refers to surgery of the body to restore shape and remove excess skin and fat. It usually encompasses the chest, back, abdomen, buttocks, arms and thighs.

    It may be achieved through liposuction, surgery or a combination of both. Body contouring is particularly effective after weight loss, but may be required in other cases where the shape of the body can be improved.

    Lower Body Lift or Circumferential Lipectomy are common procedures which improve the contour of the body in 360 degrees - lifting the buttock and improving the abdomen.

  • Buttock Augmentation

    The buttocks can be volumised through fat transfer and surgery. Although this procedure has become popular overseas, buttock lift, or Brazilian Buttock Lift (BBL) is not without its risks. A knowledge of the anatomy is essential to avoid complications.

  • Liposuction

    Liposuction is often used to remove fat and enhance the contour of a part of the body, such as the hips, thighs and under the chin. Although it does remove fat permanently, it is not a method of weight loss. Liposuction alone is most effective when the overlying skin has retained its elastic qualities and can retract to adjust to the new size and shape.

  • Labiaplasty

    The labia at the entrance to the vagina may be excessively large and cause problems with exercising or sexual function. In these cases, a labial reduction or reshaping may be appropriate.

    Revision labiaplasty or labial reconstruction may be required if this surgery is performed excessively or when not really required. Dr Chauhan is experienced in labial reconstructive surgery for such women.

  • Brachioplasty

    The arms are commonly a troublesome spot for people who have lost weight. Excess skin can be unsightly, and hard to conceal. Brachioplasty reduces this skin excess through a combination of liposuction and direct excision, with a scar placed as inconspicuously as possible.